Results for 'Eva Martine Bull'

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  1.  24
    Ethical challenges when intensive care unit patients refuse nursing care.Eva Martine Bull & Venke Sørlie - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (2):214-222.
    Background: Less sedated and more awake patients in the intensive care unit may cause ethical challenges. Research objectives: The purpose of this study is to describe ethical challenges registered nurses experience when patients refuse care and treatment. Research design: Narrative individual open interviews were conducted, and data were analysed using a phenomenological hermeneutic method developed for researching life experiences. Participants and research context: Three intensive care registered nurses from an intensive care unit at a university hospital in Norway were included. (...)
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  2. Vídeojuegos y publicidad: cómo alcanzar a las audiencias que escapan de los medios tradicionales.Eva Martín Ibáñez - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 82:78-87.
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    Haben Krankenhäuser die Pflicht, die sekundäre Forschungsnutzung von Behandlungsdaten zu unterstützen?Martin Jungkunz, Eva C. Winkler & Christoph Schickhardt - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (4):507-530.
    Zusammenfassung Die sekundäre Forschungsnutzung von Behandlungsdaten hat Potenzial, medizinisches Wissen zu erweitern und die Patientenbehandlung zu verbessern. Für eine systematische sekundäre Forschungsnutzung spielen Krankenhäuser eine wichtige Rolle: sie erzeugen große Mengen an Behandlungsdaten und müssen für deren Forschungsnutzung die notwendigen Strukturen aufbauen. Damit stellt sich die ethische Frage: Haben Krankenhäuser eine moralische Pflicht, sekundäre Forschungsnutzung von Behandlungsdaten zu unterstützen, indem sie dafür notwendige Ressourcen und Infrastrukturen aufbauen und betreiben? Ziel ist es, eine konzeptionelle Herangehensweise zur Erörterung dieser Frage zu skizzieren (...)
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    Patient data for commercial companies? An ethical framework for sharing patients’ data with for-profit companies for research.Eva C. Winkler, Martin Jungkunz, Adrian Thorogood, Vincent Lotz & Christoph Schickhardt - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    BackgroundResearch using data from medical care promises to advance medical science and improve healthcare. Academia is not the only sector that expects such research to be of great benefit. The research-based health industry is also interested in so-called ‘real-world’ health data to develop new drugs, medical technologies or data-based health applications. While access to medical data is handled very differently in different countries, and some empirical data suggest people are uncomfortable with the idea of companies accessing health information, this paper (...)
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    Do Physicians Have a Duty to Support Secondary Use of Clinical Data in Biomedical Research? An Inquiry into the Professional Ethics of Physicians.Martin Jungkunz, Anja Köngeter, Eva C. Winkler & Christoph Schickhardt - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (1):101-117.
    Secondary use of clinical data in research or learning activities (SeConts) has the potential to improve patient care and biomedical knowledge. Given this potential, the ethical question arises whether physicians have a professional duty to support SeConts. To investigate this question, we analyze prominent international declarations on physicians’ professional ethics to determine whether they include duties that can be considered as good reasons for a physicians’ professional duty to support SeConts. Next, we examine these documents to identify professional duties that (...)
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  6.  40
    The Epistemic Cost of Opacity: How the Use of Artificial Intelligence Undermines the Knowledge of Medical Doctors in High-Stakes Contexts.Eva Schmidt, Paul Martin Putora & Rianne Fijten - 2025 - Philosophy and Technology 38 (1):1-22.
    Artificial intelligent (AI) systems used in medicine are often very reliable and accurate, but at the price of their being increasingly opaque. This raises the question whether a system’s opacity undermines the ability of medical doctors to acquire knowledge on the basis of its outputs. We investigate this question by focusing on a case in which a patient’s risk of recurring breast cancer is predicted by an opaque AI system. We argue that, given the system’s opacity, as well as the (...)
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    Do patients have a moral duty to provide their clinical data for research? A critical examination of possible reasons.Martin Jungkunz, Anja Köngeter, Katja Mehlis, Markus Spitz, Eva C. Winkler & Christoph Schickhardt - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (2):195-220.
    Research question The secondary use of clinical data for research and learning activities has the potential to significantly improve medical knowledge and clinical care. To realize this potential, an ethical and legal basis for data use is needed, preferably in the form of patient consent. This raises the question: Do patients have a moral duty to provide their clinical data for research and learning activities? Methods On the basis of an ethical approach that we call “caring liberalism,” we evaluate plausibility (...)
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    Disconnected – Impaired Interoceptive Accuracy and Its Association With Self-Perception and Cardiac Vagal Tone in Patients With Dissociative Disorder.Eva Schäflein, Heribert C. Sattel, Olga Pollatos & Martin Sack - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  9. Family witnessed resuscitation and invasive procedures: Patient and family opinions.Eva de Mingo Fernández, Guillermina Medina Martín & María Jiménez Herrera - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):645-655.
    Background: Family presence during invasive procedures and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (FPDR) is a highly controversial issue, with divergence of opinion among health professionals, with clinical evidence in favor, and with barriers to its implementation in comprehensive patient care. Many international organizations support health policies for its implementation, but it is not a widespread practice. Little research has been conducted on this subject from the perspective of patients and families. Objective: To learn opinions, perceptions, and desires of family members and patients in (...)
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  10.  28
    Implicit approach–avoidance associations for craved food cues.Eva Kemps, Marika Tiggemann, Rachel Martin & Mecia Elliott - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 19 (1):30.
  11.  13
    Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit in der Biologie.Eva-Maria Engelen & Martin Korte - 2004 - In Dieter Simon, Zeithorizonte in der Wissenschaft. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 181-198.
  12.  9
    Global South States’ Views on Building Partnerships with Corporations: An Agonistic Struggle in the UN and Beyond.Eva Nilsson & Martin Fougère - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    In this article, we analyse the global consensus on the UN’s partnership approach to businesses through an agonistic lens. In doing so, we seek to understand the positioning of states, particularly those in the Global South, towards the partnership approach. We draw on Mouffe’s conceptualisation of ‘the political’, in which the appearance of consensus is always an expression of hegemony accompanied by exclusion and dissensus. First, we show that the partnership approach was initially promoted by the Global North, in particular (...)
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  13.  4
    Do hospitals have a duty to support the secondary research use of treatment data?Martin Jungkunz, Eva C. Winkler & Christoph Schickhardt - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (4):507-530.
    Research question The secondary research use of treatment data has the potential to expand medical knowledge and improve patient care. Hospitals play an important role in systematic secondary research use: they generate large amounts of treatment data and are supposed to establish the necessary structures for their use in research. This raises the ethical question: do hospitals have a moral duty to support secondary research use of treatment data by establishing and operating the necessary resources and infrastructure? Procedure Our aim (...)
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    Stellungnahme zur Etablierung der sekundären Forschungsnutzung von Behandlungsdaten in Deutschland. Ergebnisse des Verbundprojekts LinCDat: "Learning from Clinical Data. Ethical, Social and Legal Aspects".Martin Jungkunz, Anja Köngeter, Markus Spitz, Katja Mehlis, Kai Cornelius, Christoph Schickhardt & Eva C. Winkler - 2022 - Forum Marsilius Kolleg.
    Die sekundäre Forschungsnutzung von Behandlungsdaten hat großes Potenzial, biomedizinisches Wissen zu erweitern und die Patientenversorgung zu verbessern. Gleichzeitig sind für eine bessere Ausschöpfung dieses Potenzials diverse Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Dies gilt insbesondere in Deutschland, wo im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern, wie z.B. Dänemark oder Finnland, die sekundäre Forschungsnutzung von Behandlungsdaten unterentwickelt ist. Die Intensivierung der Nutzung der Daten aus Diagnose und Therapie von Patienten und die Entwicklung der dafür notwendigen Strukturen in Deutschland ist ethisch und politisch geboten: für die Verbesserung (...)
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    Review Essay: The Psychologists Return.Martin Kusch, Eva Picardi & Edward Stein - 1998 - Synthese 115 (3):375-393.
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    Temporal and spatial discounting are distinct in humans.Eva Robinson, Kelly Michaelis, James C. Thompson & Martin Wiener - 2019 - Cognition 190 (C):212-220.
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    How children perceive fractals: Hierarchical self-similarity and cognitive development.Maurício Dias Martins, Sabine Laaha, Eva Maria Freiberger, Soonja Choi & W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):10-24.
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  18. Global South States’ Views on Building Partnerships with Corporations: An Agonistic Struggle in the UN and Beyond.Eva Nilsson & Martin Fougère - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 197 (3):445-463.
    In this article, we analyse the global consensus on the UN’s partnership approach to businesses through an agonistic lens. In doing so, we seek to understand the positioning of states, particularly those in the Global South, towards the partnership approach. We draw on Mouffe’s conceptualisation of ‘the political’, in which the appearance of consensus is always an expression of hegemony accompanied by exclusion and dissensus. First, we show that the partnership approach was initially promoted by the Global North, in particular (...)
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    Die Macht der Rechtfertigung. Perspektiven einer kritischen Theorie der Gerechtigkeit.Mahmoud Bassiouni, Eva Buddeberg, Mattias Iser, Anja Karnein & Martin Saar (eds.) - 2024 - Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag.
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    Nurses’ perspectives on ethical aspects of telemedicine. A scoping review.Guillerma Medina Martin, Eva de Mingo Fernández & Maria Jiménez Herrera - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Changes in health needs led to an increase in virtual care practices such as telemedicine. Nursing plays an essential role in this practice as it is the key to accessing the healthcare system. It is important that this branch of nursing is developed considering all the ethical aspects of nursing care, and not just the legal concepts of the practice. However, this question has not been widely explored in the literature and it is of crucial relevance in the new (...)
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  21.  29
    The “Prehistory” of the Sublime in Early Modern France An Interdisciplinary Perspective.Eva Madeleine Martin - 2012 - In Timothy M. Costelloe, The sublime: from antiquity to the present. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  22. Introduction: Defining Feminist Philosophy.Linda Martín Alcoff & Eva Feder Kittay - 2006 - In Kittay Eva Feder & Martín Alcoff Linda, The Blackwell Guide to Feminist Philosophy. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–13.
    This chapter contains section titled: Gender in Canonical Philosophical Writings The Emergence of Contemporary Feminist Philosophy Reflexive Critique within Philosophy Refl exive Critique within Feminist Philosophy Feminist Philosophy as a Research Program Feminist Philosophy as Transformative Notes.
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  23. Die Macht der Rechtfertigung. Perspektiven einer kritischen Theorie der Gerechtigkeit.Mahmoud Bassiouni, Eva Buddeberg, Matthias Iser, Anja Karnein & Martin Saar (eds.) - 2024 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
    Mit der Idee eines grundlegenden »Rechts auf Rechtfertigung« hat Rainer Forst eine kraftvolle Denkfigur entwickelt, deren Fruchtbarkeit für das konkrete Geschäft einer kritischen Analyse des Sozialen immer deutlicher wird. Sein Werk hat tiefe Spuren in der Philosophie und Sozialtheorie, aber auch in der politischen Diskussion der Gegenwart hinterlassen und umfasst pointierte Stellungnahmen zu Fragen der Moral und Gerechtigkeit, zu Macht, Toleranz und Freiheit. Der Band versammelt Beiträge namhafter internationaler Denker:innen, die sich mit den vielfältigen Aspekten von Forsts Werk auseinandersetzen und (...)
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  24. Biobanking Legislation in Spain: Advancing or Undermining Its Ethical Values?Inmaculada de Melo-Martin & Eva Ortega-Paíno - 2024 - Biopreserv Biobank 22 (3):242-247.
    Biobanks are important resources for improving public health and individual care. Some legal frameworks can be more or less conducive to advancing the potential benefits of biobanks. The purpose of this article is to assess biobanking legislation and practices in Spain to determine how well they fare in such a regard. We focus here on some of the primary ethical values that ground relevant legislation and that we believe are consistent with promoting biobanking benefits: the value of scientific research; efficient (...)
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    Ein Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetz für Deutschland.Henning M. Beier, Martin Bujard, Klaus Diedrich, Horst Dreier, Helmut Frister, Heribert Kentenich, Hartmut Kreß, Jan-Steffen Krüssel, Annika K. Ludwig, Eva Schumann, Thomas Strowitzki, Jochen Taupitz, Christian J. Thaler, Petra Thorn, Claudia Wiesemann & Hans-Peter Zenner - 2018 - Ethik in der Medizin 30 (2):153-158.
    ZusammenfassungDie rechtliche Regelung der Fortpflanzungsmedizin ist dringend reformbedürftig. Das Embryonenschutzgesetz von 1990 erfasst die neuesten technischen Entwicklungen nicht, ist in manchen Bereichen unstimmig und lückenhaft, setzt die betroffenen Frauen, Paare und Kinder unnötigen gesundheitlichen Risiken aus, erschwert paradoxerweise die Durchsetzung von Kinderrechten und erzeugt Gerechtigkeitsprobleme und Rechtsunsicherheit für die betroffenen Paare und die behandelnden Ärztinnen und Ärzte.Das Embryonenschutzgesetz enthält zudem nur strafrechtliche Verbote. Diese erlauben keine angemessene Reaktion auf die medizinische Entwicklung und den gesellschaftlichen Wandel und werden der Komplexität der (...)
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  26.  32
    (1 other version)The Blackwell Guide to Feminist Philosophy.Kittay Eva Feder & Martín Alcoff Linda (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _The Blackwell Guide to Feminist Philosophy_ is a definitive introduction to the field, consisting of 15 newly-contributed essays that apply philosophical methods and approaches to feminist concerns. Offers a key view of the project of centering women’s experience. Includes topics such as feminism and pragmatism, lesbian philosophy, feminist epistemology, and women in the history of philosophy.
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    Fünfter Gentechnologiebericht: Sachstand und Perspektiven für Forschung und Anwendung.Boris Fehse, Ferdinand Hucho, Sina Bartfeld, Stephan Clemens, Tobias Erb, Heiner Fangerau, Jürgen Hampel, Martin Korte, Lilian Marx-Stölting, Stefan Mundlos, Angela Osterheider, Anja Pichl, Jens Reich, Hannah Schickl, Silke Schicktanz, Jochen Taupitz, Jörn Walter, Eva Winkler & Martin Zenke (eds.) - 2021
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    Eros Und Erkenntnis – 50 Jahre „Ästhetische Theorie“.Martin Endres, Axel Pichler & Claus Zittel (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Vor 50 Jahren veröffentlichten Gretel Adorno und Rolf Tiedemann erstmals eine aus dem Nachlass edierte Ausgabe von Theodor W. Adornos Ästhetischer Theorie. Obgleich das von Adorno selbst als opus magnum verstandene Werk unvollendet blieb und nur als posthumes Kompilat erschien, entfaltete es in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhundert eine enorme Wirkung, die weit über den Bereich der philosophischen Ästhetik hinausging. Renommierte Autoren und Autorinnen unterschiedlicher Disziplinen nehmen das Jubiläum des erstmaligen Erscheinens der Ästhetischen Theorie zum Anlass, diesen Klassiker aus (...)
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  29.  85
    Eva Illouz, Die Errettung der modernen Seele.Martin Arndt - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 62 (3):310-311.
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    Informal Caregivers of Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: a Qualitative Study of Communication Experiences and Information Needs with Physicians.Karoline Boegle, Marta Bassi, Angela Comanducci, Katja Kuehlmeyer, Philipp Oehl, Theresa Raiser, Martin Rosenfelder, Jaco Diego Sitt, Chiara Valota, Lina Willacker, Andreas Bender & Eva Grill - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (3):1-19.
    Due to improvements in medicine, the figures of patients with disorders of consciousness (DoC) are increasing. Diagnostics of DoC and prognostication of rehabilitation outcome is challenging but necessary to evaluate recovery potential and to decide on treatment options. Such decisions should be made by doctors and patients’ surrogates based on medico-ethical principles. Meeting information needs and communicating effectively with caregivers as the patients´ most common surrogate-decision makers is crucial, and challenging when novel tech-nologies are introduced. This qualitative study aims to (...)
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    Eva Smolková: Kvalita života z filozofickej perspektívy.Martin Foltin - 2025 - Filozofia 80 (1):133-136.
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    COVID-19-Related Fear and Health-Related Safety Behavior in Oncological Patients.Venja Musche, Alexander Bäuerle, Jasmin Steinbach, Adam Schweda, Madeleine Hetkamp, Benjamin Weismüller, Hannah Kohler, Mingo Beckmann, Ken Herrmann, Mitra Tewes, Dirk Schadendorf, Eva-Maria Skoda & Martin Teufel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  33.  23
    Math Anxiety and Working Memory Updating: Difficulties in Retrieving Numerical Information From Working Memory.Santiago Pelegrina, M. José Justicia-Galiano, M. Eva Martín-Puga & Rocío Linares - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A mixed method evaluation of a group‐based educational programme for CPAP use in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.Anders Broström, Bengt Fridlund, Martin Ulander, Ola Sunnergren, Eva Svanborg & Per Nilsen - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (1):173-184.
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    Altered Neuronal Responses During an Affective Stroop Task in Adolescents With Conduct Disorder.Lynn V. Fehlbaum, Nora M. Raschle, Willeke M. Menks, Martin Prätzlich, Eva Flemming, Letizia Wyss, Felix Euler, Margaret Sheridan, Philipp Sterzer & Christina Stadler - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Balancing Change and Tradition in Global Education Reform.Gérard Bonnet, Mary Canning, Kai-Ming Cheng, Terry J. Crooks, Luis Crouch, Ori Eyal, Eva Forsberg, Phyllis Ghim-Lian Chew, Ratna Ghosh, Martin Gustafsson, Batia P. Horsky, Dan Inbar, Barbara M. Kehm, Stephen T. Kerr, Allan Luke, Ulf P. Lundgren, Robert W. McMeekin, Adam Nir, Peter Schrag, Hasan Simsek, Ryo Watanabe, Alison Wolf & Ali Yildirim (eds.) - 2010 - R&L Education.
    Balancing Change and Tradition in Global Education Reform is an invaluable resource for policymakers, faculty, students, and anyone interested in how decisions made about the education system ultimately affect the quality of education, educational access, and social justice.
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    Resilience and Protection of Health Care and Research Laboratory Workers During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Analysis and Case Study From an Austrian High Security Laboratory.Martina Loibner, Paul Barach, Stella Wolfgruber, Christine Langner, Verena Stangl, Julia Rieger, Esther Föderl-Höbenreich, Melina Hardt, Eva Kicker, Silvia Groiss, Martin Zacharias, Philipp Wurm, Gregor Gorkiewicz, Peter Regitnig & Kurt Zatloukal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has highlighted the interdependency of healthcare systems and research organizations on manufacturers and suppliers of personnel protective equipment and the need for well-trained personnel who can react quickly to changing working conditions. Reports on challenges faced by research laboratory workers are rare in contrast to the lived experience of hospital health care workers. We report on experiences gained by RLWs who significantly contributed to combating the pandemic under particularly challenging conditions due to increased workload, sickness and interrupted (...)
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  38. Early Prussian Blue-Blue and green pigments in the paintings by Watteau, Lancret and Pater in the collection of Frederick II of Prussia.Jens Bartoll, Bärbel Jackisch, Mechthild Most, Eva Wenders de Calisse & Christoph Martin Vogtherr - 2007 - Techne 25:39-46.
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    Eva Schürmann: Vorstellen und Darstellen – Szenen einer medienanthropologischen Theorie des Geistes.Daniel Martin Feige - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 63 (2):153-159.
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    ¿Permiso para investigar? Reflexiones sobre los requisitos éticos de la observación participante en el contexto de la entrevista familiar de obtención de órganos.María Victoria Martínez López, Eva María Martín Nieto & Maite Cruz Piqueras - 2022 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 27 (2).
    Although many of the factors that may influence donation have been identified, the timing of the interview in which families are asked for their authorisations seems to be decisive. However, there are few studies that analyse this process when the interview takes place. Qualitative techniques such as Participant Observation could help to better understand this process. One of the most recurring arguments against carrying out this type of study is the difficulty in complying with all the ethical requirements for any (...)
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    Reading Simone de Beauvoir with Martin Heidegger.Eva Gothlin - 2003 - In Claudia Card, The Cambridge Companion to Simone de Beauvoir. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 45--65.
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    Eva-Maria Heinze: Einführung in das dialogische Denken (= dia-logik, Band 3), Freiburg im Breisgau: Karl Alber 2011, 172 S. [REVIEW]Knut Martin Stünkel - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 65 (1):85-87.
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    Demokratie und Wahrheit.Frieder Vogelmann & Martin Nonhoff (eds.) - 2021 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Contemporary concerns about the increase in untruths in politics have renewed interest in the relationship between truth and politics. Is democracy losing its foundations in a ‘post-truth era’ because it is becoming disconnected from reality? Or are facts, to which a technocratic mindset cannot tolerate alternatives, threatening to suppress political debate? In twelve contributions, political theorists investigate the relationship between truth and politics against the background of the current discussion. With contributions by Floris Biskamp, Oliver Flügel-Martinsen, Eva Marlene Hausteiner, Oliver (...)
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    Hartmut Buchner, Heidegger tra Oriente e Occidente. Il destino planetario della tecnica con scritti di Martin Heidegger. A cura di Andrea Cudin.Eva Kocziszky - 2012 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 119 (2):425-427.
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    Daños morales e injusticias sociales en las cadenas mundiales de cuidados.Francisco Javier Gil Martín & Tamara Palacio Ricondo - 2012 - Dilemata 10:151-171.
    In this article, we identify various kinds of injustice at work in the global care chains by looking at the damages they entail and at some of their ties. Taking as our point of reference an invidious privileges dilemma that poses a real challenge to feminist theories, we analyze first the moral harm that, as Eva Kittay maintains, follows the fracturing of central, interpersonal and affective relationships of the women migrant workers. This specific moral harm of care relationships is not (...)
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    Gå så med glæde til dit arbejde - socialitet og sakramentalitet i Martin Luthers kaldslære.Eva Krause Jørgensen - 2018 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 76:61-74.
    THEN GO TO YOUR WORK WITH JOY - SOCIALITY AND SACRAMENTAILITY IN MARTIN LUTHER'S TEACHING OF THE CALLINGThe article investigates Martin Luther’s teaching of the calling in a social perspective. In the tradition following the pioneering work of Max Weber, the Reformation has often been interpreted a steppingstone towards processes of disenchantment, secularization and rationalization. In recent years, a growing body of literature has argued that this tradition overlooks crucial elements of reformation spirituality such as sacramentality, sociality and the affirmation (...)
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    On Hilbert algebras generated by the order.J. L. Castiglioni, S. A. Celani & H. J. San Martín - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (1):155-172.
    In this paper we study the variety of order Hilbert algebras, which is the equivalent algebraic semantics of the order implicational calculus of Bull.
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    Arguments from Concept Possession.Eva Schmidt - 2015 - In Modest Nonconceptualism: Epistemology, Phenomenology, and Content. Cham: Springer.
    In this chapter, I discuss arguments for the claim that a subject can both have an experience with a certain content and not be in possession of all the concepts needed to specify this content. If she does not possess all the relevant concepts, then she cannot exercise them. So, she can undergo such an experience without being required to exercise all the concepts needed to specify its content. The argument from memory experience goes back to Martin (Philos Rev 101:745763, (...)
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    Empathy or Intersubjectivity? Understanding the Origins of Morality in Young Children’.Eva Johansson - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (1):33-47.
    This article is about young children’s morality and their concern for others’ wellbeing. Questions of what the value of others’ wellbeing can signify, how this value becomes visible to children and how it is expressed in their interaction will be posed. In this analysis, children’s commitment to others’ wellbeing is discussed in terms of two theories, namely the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s theory of intersubjectivity and the psychologist Martin Hoffman’s theory of empathy. The interaction between children and adults in pre-school, drawn (...)
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    Self-Deception and Self-Understanding. [REVIEW]Eva Feder Kittay - 1988 - Idealistic Studies 18 (1):82-85.
    The volume of essays, edited by Mike Martin, is a valuable contribution to the interdisciplinary interest in the topic. Martin has produced a helpful, if not penetrating, general introduction to the volume, and has prefaced each of the four parts of the book with a short orienting essay. The book is completed with an extensive bibliography that will well serve the student interested in pursuing the topic.
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